Gamuda Land
Established in 1995, Gamuda Land is the property development arm of Gamuda Berhad, the monumental nation builder with a spectrum of experience and expertise. Right from the very beginning, Gamuda Land attained recognition as a far-sighted developer with the supportive backbone of its parent company in building not just homes, but a living experience beyond mere roofs. Synonymous with holistic lifestyle developments, Gamuda Land places incredible emphasis on superior infrastructure to ensure that each and every project embarked upon resonates the true values that Gamuda Land dearly embraces.
Our genuine goal is to design unrivalled living environments and thus, we undergo stringent workmanship assessments to benchmark our homes against the highest standards in structural integrity and craftsmanship.
The fundamentals of our ultimate vision blooms with one of the core aspects of property development – Quality Design. By adopting the strict Construction Quality Assessment System (CONQUAS), we ensure all that we deliver is of absolute excellence.
Starting with quality design, we strive ever forward in providing the best of the best to create sustainable communities complemented by comprehensive amenities. This is where we fuse our latest innovations and creativity to grow wholesome communities.
From designing homes on natural terrain to building smart canals that are invigorated into all-purpose natural lakes, our townships are all currently benchmarked in designs and value which further solidifies our constant efforts to harmoniously integrate nature into the future to create value for you and the generations to come.
Gamuda Land sets the par as the country’s leading developer by offering amplified living essentials to create a healthy lifestyle that not only serves to provide you the best for present times but also sensible solutions for future undertakings. By recognising safety and security as one of the chief essentials for peaceful living, we go beyond boundaries to provide the safest environment captivated by verdant greenery for a tranquil lifetime experience.
Our pioneering spirit in design and workmanship continues to attest our unrivalled standards in masterplanning sustainable developments that create high-value returns.