Gamuda Land rolled out GL Cares to help those in the surrounding community by delivering food items and daily essentials to those in need.
Subscribing to the Gamuda Green Plan 2025 and aligning to its ESG framework, Gamuda Land reached out to various groups of society that needed help. Besides helping to alleviate short-term needs such as food and daily essentials, Gamuda Land has also reached out to the Orang Asli community with programmes that help generate sustainable income towards addressing ongoing poverty and income equality issues.

“We also reached out to the Orang Asli community with programmes that help generate sustainable income towards addressing ongoing poverty and income equality issues.” – Ngan
During these challenging times amid the pandemic, Gamuda Land has rolled out GL Cares to help those in our surrounding community by delivering food items and daily essentials to those in need, including workers in our CLQs (Centralised Labour Quarters), charitable homes and NGOs.
Meanwhile, Gamuda Parks has been extensively engaging with the Orang Asli community as part of Gamuda’s Native Community socio-economic development programmes as listed below:
- The Upskilling Business Project: Sewing and Selling Reusable Masks Partnering with The Asli Co provides both business opportunities and helps upskill Temuan women in Kg Bukit Cheeding to be self-sufficient income-earners. This is through the provision of machinery and materials needed for face masks which are sold to corporations.
- The Farm-to-mouth Project helps Orang Asli plant their own edible gardens, harvesting enough for the family and to sell.
- The Wild Tree Seed Bank, through our partnership with Binturong Alam Ventures, has provided the Orang Asli over one thousand seedlings consisting of native forest tree species. This project supports Gamuda Land’s #OneMillionTrees movement while providing sustainable income for villagers as they search for seeds in the virgin forest and propagate them at the nursery in the village.
- The Empowering Orang Asli students through education project has plans underway to distribute tablets supported by broadband to Orang Asli schools. On top of that, we are engaging qualified teachers to provide additional classes for the students to improve their literacy.

Gamuda Parks’ Farm-to-Mouth project helps Orang Asli plant their own edible gardens, harvesting enough for the family and to sell.
Meanwhile, at the Group level, we’ve taken proactive measures to ensure our workers’ and public health and safety are protected. For instance, we have launched our RT-PCR (reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction) testing facility (Gamuda Laboratories) in Nov 2020 with the intention to provide fortnightly testing for the Group’s workforce of 20,000, playing a crucial role in increasing the rate of Covid-19 screening.
Extending beyond the Group’s workers, Gamuda Laboratories is now offering Covid-19 PCR Testing and Elecsys® Anti-SARS-Cov-2 assay tests for the larger community – commercial entities and also the public.