Tech Hacks That Make Life Better

By Gamuda Land13 August 2019Lifestyle

Tech Hacks That Make Life Better

Tech Hacks That Make Life Better

As we interact with different gadgets every day, it makes perfect sense for us to explore how we can use technology to make life even better. Sometimes all it takes is our imagination to create tech hacks that make things a little easier. Here are some examples of simple tech hacks to get those creative juices flowing as you come up with your own innovative ideas.

  1. When you’re shopping online
    Resist the urge to click on the check-out button immediately the next time you are shopping online. To get the best deals, select the items you intend to buy but keep them in your shopping cart for a couple of days. Most online stores will email you promos and offer further discounts to encourage you to seal the deal.
  2. When you’re in a hurry to recharge your mobile phone
    There’s 1% left on your phone battery and your future career or relationship is dependent on you being able to make that important call within the next minute. What can you do? Hit the airplane mode button on your phone as this immediately turns off all battery draining apps and activity that may be running in the background. Then, plug it into a charger and pray that your telco has signal or reception in the area.
  3. When you’ve got obsolete tech stuff
    Just cleared your store room and rediscovered those old mix cassette tapes from the 80s? Why not give the old school cassette covers a new lease of life by repurposing them as stands for your latest mobile gadget. With a little imagination, some paint or even bling, these plastic cases can become stylish holders while you watch movies on your phone or as functional charging stations.
  4. When you need to clean your gadgets
    Post-it notes are an innovation that was created by accident back in 1968. Since then, it’s become an essential stationery used by millions of people around the world every day. Before you throw your used post-it notes in the bin, why not use them to clean your keyboard? Just run the sticky side of the post-it note between the keys and voila, a dust-free keyboard!
  5. When you’re riding your bike or driving
    To keep yourself and others safe on the road, download one of the free ‘no texting’ apps available from either the Apple App Store or Google Play. Some of these apps can even detect when you are driving or riding and automatically turn off certain functions. They are easy to use and help ensure that you or your loved ones are focused on the road and not your mobile devices.
